
Wait, WHAT?! That's a real baby?! Surely you jest. I would have sworn it was a doll...and now that I know otherwise, I almost wish it were. She's truly beautiful, but yeouch! And babies are hard enough to maintain as it is, geez.

You aren't supposed to have any "soft"/unpasteurized cheeses at all.


I know, right? I feel the exact same way...at some loss for words when it comes to her. When they mock her and her tweets on The Soup, the jokes are so nutty and spot-on, it's hard to tell what is real and what is made up (if any of it even has to be made up)! The real stuff is a goldmine in itself.

I laughed until I saw it was by Ann Coulter. Then the realization that I laughed—not only at something Ann Coulter tweeted—but Ann Coulter bodysnarking John Christie...and I decided to finish my glass of wine and call it a night.