
I've been looking for a reason to use this one so whatever

That women should have a little respect for her Doctor, Her vaginal birth has a good chance of interfering with his golf game. Pregnant women are so selfish, they act like giving birth is all about them and their babies.

I am not trying to be an armchair anything here, but I wonder if the woman who spit her food out has an eating disorder. I remember from an eating disorder scare-documentary (from my high school substituting days) that one woman in particular had a ritual she called Chew and Spit in which she would indulge in chewing

I'm impressed that your coal mine has internet access!

All of this Bey-Z drama has caused me to realize that I am way too invested in people whose music I don't care too much for, and whom I will never know personally.

He actually confronted that bit on his own show. It leads to a pretty interesting discussion.

I disagree pretty strongly here. Rape is a seriously underreported and underprosecuted crime, but if we take restroom scribblings as criminal evidence, it would be incredibly, incredibly easy for someone to abuse the system or implicate innocent people out of a desire for revenge.

Zero gravity, comic book breasts for everyone.

Your Dad seems like a super wise guy. I'm glad you asked for his input on these.

Well, little girl or freshman at Arizona State.

Screw your "exercise" and "fresh air". THIS is why people were skinny in the '50s and early '60s; don't you try to tell me otherwise.

Can you imagine the frustration of sacrificing four years of your life in pursuit of your dream to be the best in the world, only to have all that sacrifice and progress rendered moot by an uncooperative, Russian winter?

But that reinforces the idea that rape threats are within bounds. It's so important that we have male voices backing us up on the notion that it's not okay to exploit women's oppression to win a stupid fucking rap battle, or for any other reason. It is not okay for men to use the fact of female oppression for their

I think I'm for this. Vancouver already has a needle exchange/supervised injection site, so this seems like a logical next step. I know there's a lot of the use "should/n't" surrounding this - they shouldn't be using drugs, they should just quit, the city shouldn't be paying for someone to abuse themselves. Should is

Good things there aren't gays on this show, though. We're much more difficult to explain to your daughter than late-night ocean sex with strangers.

And do they know...love?

Polite request, I hope, especially since I know Jezebel writers don't necessarily write their own headlines: please, please, please put the kibosh on using — and abusing — the word "Nazi". It is beyond annoying and, what is more, it's also seriously detracting from the actual stories/articles.

Is there any chance we could stop using the term 'Nazi' for someone who is a little pernickety about apostrophes and whatnot? It's fucking insulting and strongly suggests the user has no idea what an actual Nazi is.