
Agreed. I think seasoned republicans have finally realized that these tea party noobs can't be allowed to go around saying crazy shit. i'm glad one of them has grabbed the reigns.

If I were "fat" like Upton, I would run naked, laughing giddily, down my town's main drag, my arms flung wide in the sexy joy I would effuse in my hot, hot "fatness."

I can now expect to see "Teeology" on all the peacocking ladies and gents at my local Bro Bar in approximately 2 months. Thanks, Jezebel!

I say hero. I'm tired of waiting to ask questions after bad shit happens to innocent people. I heard a guy say this exact thing, except he said it in past tense. As in, "I was telling my buddy that I'd fuck that drunk bitch by the end of the night. She tried to get up after we were done making out, but I, well,

Jesus Christ! I never thought I'd pine for the Bush-era days of Governorships, when I could go back to bitching that my "very conservative" governor Daniels was just cutting all the new teachers and arts programs.