
You do realize that all but three of the plaintiffs were getting less than $2,000 each, right? A movie theater is not a battle zone. A reasonable expectation of safety should be had in such a place. Regardless of whether the theater was found to be at fault—and in this court of law, it wasn’t, but that’s not really

In all fairness, I’ve never stepped foot in that theater chain in the first place. Was it really a frivolous lawsuit though? Holmes left through an emergency exit and nothing happened to prevent him from propping the door and returning. I wouldn’t say the theater acted wrongly, but neither did they prevent what

Cinemark is insured against the lawsuit. Those who did nothing more than buy a movie ticket will be paying that bill for the rest of their lives - that is, if they survived.

Especially the poor woman who rejected the deal because she’s still grieving. How the fuck are you gonna ask her to pay? I hope cinemark decides they don’t need this money...


Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet.

Do you not get emotion and anger? These peoples kids/wives/husbands were killed by a mad man. People react in anger and often times not in a rational way. Suing Cinemark was based off of emotion but Cinemark making these victims families the bad guy is just about the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen. Pay them

That’s how they’re able to hire $700,000 attorneys.

Cinnemark might not enforce the order, given that they’re going to be receiving a lot of bad press. The company makes upward of 2 billion a year, so they can certainly swallow the cost of their legal representation. It’s possible they wanted the judge’s order on record to deter similar sorts of lawsuits painting

I´m just curious as to how they expect to get that money? So, at least one of them is a paralyzed person and very likely is on disability, so are you going to take her SS money?

Same here. There are enough theatres around to go to. They will never get a dollar from me every again.

I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s

Cinemark’s annual revenue is $2.63 billion.

I don’t think it was Cinemark’s fault, but I think it's cruel to charge this people.

Well, I can tell you which theater chain I’ll never set foot in again.

I understand why, legally, they are required to pay. It’s sound law and 99 times out of 100 it serves a good purpose.

Did fighting the lawsuit mean that Cinemark had to temporarily get rid of their Public Relations team? Because otherwise...

I will be interested to see if Cinemark actually pursues the enforcement of this order. It’s one thing to have the order, it’s another to actually pursue these people with things like wage garnishment, etc.

Wow. The optics of Cinnemark’s decision is Trump-level terrible. It’s like they woke up and said “Yeah, I’m gonna be a dick to people today. A YOOOGE DICK!”

Oh, sorry. Yeah, who knows? I mean, he’s entitled because he has the freedom to sit. Like wtf does that even mean? We all have the freedom to sit. This whole Colin thing is absurd.