From your keyboard to the internet’s ears...
From your keyboard to the internet’s ears...
Don’t worry I’m sure as soon as he heals from his tragic gunshot injury they’ll grant him bail once again since he was only a danger to the woman he kidnapped, tortured, and killed. She’s dead now and the public is totally safe!
Yeah, you don’t offer bail or an ankle braclet to a violent domestic abuser who was caught armed after kidnapping and torturing his wife...especially when they lives six miles from one another (says so in source). This judge fucked up royally and it cost this woman her life.
Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.
Why so many goddamn stars on this answer? Just cuz we agree that the First Amendment is good doesn’t mean we all have to jack-off to it when it protects the speech of someone we loathe.
Because we don’t criminalize thoughts and opinions, just the actions done because of those thoughts and actions if they end up causing harm (physical AND non-physical) to persons or property.
Furthermore, ISIS is a foreign enemy. KKK members are American citizens.
What about fashion crime? Who dresses these people?
There was a KKK rally in Winchester, IN on 8/25, and the KKK in Madison, IN are currently permitting for a rally on 9/24. White supremecists/separatists are experiencing a huge uptick in open behavior... the Trump candidacy has given them a rallying point and they’re dusting their hoods off.
there very well may be a time in the future where these expand to include other symbols as well...
And they are. They FBI spends lots of time watching them. So does ATF.
Believe it or not, skinheads were first a non-racist movement. It was started as a working class subculture in England. Populated by English coal workers (hence the short hair and the work boots) and Jamaican immigrants. (I know, your mind is blown.) It was later on populated by more working class groups. The main…
Nah, it’s a boot. Boots are a thing in the skinhead and S.H.A.R.P (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) movements. (CSB MOMENT) When I was younger in the punk movement, that’s how you could tell someone was in the movement. Because they had combat boots and certain colored shoelaces. Red and White were for the…
Move to California. I buy weed all the time with impunity.
Whew. I don’t know where you live, but here in DC, the KKK/Neo-Nazis rally at least once a year on the National Mall. Thankfully, a local news blog gives notices when they are in town, and I stay away from that area. When my cousin visited last year with her daughter, I gave her directions on how to go to the National…
The KKK is a thing, they have had a huge increase in membership because of the rise of Donald Trump. You may have not heard about them but they are still around and now David Duke is running in senate, he will not win but he said this first time in number of years that he feels that his views are mainstream. Racism is…
I like that he got a ‘skinhead’ tattoo on the skin of his head. That’s less of a political statement and more accurate labelling.
For the same reason the decision in the Bollea v. Gawker case was wrong and will almost certainly be overturned on appeal.