Everyone is lying here.
Everyone is lying here.
Damn I would not want to be working for the State Department in Brazil this week.
Ms. Clinton suffers from a congenital birth defect. As someone who was also born with this, which is so often stigmatized and swept under the rug, I think it’s time people start talking about it to draw back the curtain and draw attention to it. Let’s talk about it, people! It’s not disgusting! It’s not shameful! It…
As People reports, an enduring myth that period blood contaminates water leads to warnings against women swimming while menstruating. In fact, some Chinese viewers argued that Fu must have lied about having her period. Swimming with it, they reasoned, would have been impossible. But these reactions only manifest old,…
It will never happen, but when the police are called to a domestic dispute, they should remove any and all firearms from the house, every time, regardless of whether someone is arrested. You should have to apply to get them back, and have your spouse sign that application.
Anyone with just passing knowledge of domestic violence would have known it was the father who killed the family and then himself. I knew when it was reported that the dog was also killed. These kinds of murders are about dominance and control.
So a man with a history of “domestic disputes” severe enough to warrant the police having to attend was legally able to obtain a gun with which to kill his wife. That’s an odd interpretation of a well regulated militia.
One of them wants to essentially disintegrate the modern federal government and replace it with a vastly more powerful system of state governments, and the other is a medical doctor who panders to anti-vaccers and people worried about wifi, and whose sole experience in governance is being in a town council.
I don’t see it anywhere in the article, so can someone tell me: Is America great again yet?
It doesn’t.
Just hold on to your Hillary sticker until the opportunity presents itself to cover over someones Trump sticker.
Well, aren’t you just precious?
Welp, hate to break it to you, but many are dead, and unfortunately left behind children (boomers) that are mostly spoiled, entitled assholes because their parents did the hard part and left them with the comfy middle class existence. My parents are dead, within the last 4 years, so they wholeheartedly voted for…
I live in Tennessee. I work in downtown Nashville, but live about 20 miles north. I am about to put a Hillary sticker on my car, and I’m not being the least bit dramatic when I say that I hope my car isn’t vandalized as a result. Tennessee is Trump country. Even people that I’d never have dreamed would go for him are…
And THIS is why you can’t argue with Trump supporters. I suppose we could distract them with some fireworks and a coupon to Olive Garden... other than that, you’re just expending wasted breath trying to convince them of Anything!
i want to know how much those banners cost and who pays for them
I’m in video production and all I can think about is what do they do with the huge pictures of the houses? Do they reuse them, print over them or are they in a landfill somewhere? are they being used as tarps for the homeless? What fresh hell was it for the intern to pick up the sign and attach it to the holder...in…
We don’t have cable so we have to turn to Netflix for our home show fix and I can’t watch more than 2-3 in a row because it’s especially painful and repetitive without any commercials to break up the recapping.