
the still of Obama’s face up there is heartbreaking. he looks so unhappy. poor guy. I know he’s not perfect but I got a lot of respect for that man.

if he even does press conferences. let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

Kripstein! or is it Krapschtein? can never get it right...

I’d definitely be swiping left on that one...

sigh. that’s probably a real Renoir though.

true dat, masters of spin and mental gymnastics they are

do I win a date with Rodrigo Santoro?

well me and about 463476283 other 13 years olds in 1996 saw Titanic 12 plus times so we saw it for you.

nah William’s the hottest guy on Westworld *stands by her man*

karl. easy.

cut his heart out...with a spoon!

omg you’re right. did not make that connection. I’ve been all like yum Jimmi Simpson from Westworld don’t even care he was McPoyle on It’s always Sunny.

this just reminds me he’ll never make another movie and WAAAAHHHHHHHHH

apropos of you gif, I rewatched those movies recently and they’re really good. this scene in particular.

that’s fine, I have a passionate burning hatred for Kelsey Grammer, so

oh god. that’s awful. fucking divorces and painting the mother as sinful. my parents had a really nasty divorce too (when I was a year old so don’t remember). he eventually got custody of us which just about destroyed my mom, his argument was he made more money and she was a bad influence (she was barely scraping by

well, agreed, I don’t like it either, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be able to buy it. give the housewives some excitement.