
hope you find it helpful. I think you will. it’s surprising how much of regular every day communication is actually quite violent.

you’re right of course. it hasn’t been enough for me to believe marginalized people—I’ve had to see this shit in action. the past few weeks have been a major turning point in my life. overwhelming, but net positive for me in how I approach this and my level of determination. I can only hope other people like me have

probably just summarizes life :/

I know. I hear you. We could write for days about the absurdity and ridiculousness of all this bullshit. It’s really tragic they can’t answer the questions you posit, and would immediately get on the defensive if you tried. it’s the way humans are wired. we’re dumb and have a reptilian brain in the amygdala that

totally true. using my privilege the best way I can. disappointed in myself that I didn’t do enough of that before all this crazy.

I know. I’m only this gung-ho on the Internet. in real life I struggle to read things I need to read to better understand our situation, when I’d rather escape from everything by watching seasons of Sons of Anarchy.

totally agree. I just have no access to the media.

you too! we’re in this together, internet friend.

yes. some people will always be unsaveable. but I do not, and refuse to, believe the majority of people are. I may never want to be best friends with them, that’s for sure, but what good does yelling at them on the Internet do? it’s not so much that I want to compromise with them, it’s more that everything I’ve been

I know. I hear you. For me, clearly everything I’ve been doing these past two years or so has led me nowhere (well, to my stepbrother deleting me from Facebook because we’ve argued so many times, and to me yelling at my mom that if I get hurt over these next years it’s because my step-dad and their friends voted third

check out the book, or google “non violent communication” and read some of the articles. it’s a totally different way of thinking/interacting with others, and not just people you disagree with. it’s helping me, because what bothers me the most is the deadend you hit with people who are convinced they are correct and

You are right. Reagan was president when I was born, then Bush Sr, but I was a bebe. 8 years of Clinton during my formative years. Yes, then 8 years of W, and that blew chunks, though W is preferable to this shitshow. But then 8 years of Obama. I’m 33, so 33-16 means half my life has been spent with liberal Democratic

it’s an easy read too! not technical. I hate this kind of stuff and I’m enjoying it.

that might work with the pundits, but with the Americans parroting this bullshit, it won’t. Unfortunately we have to approach them like children, and children don’t react well if you tell them what to do or not to do. really no one does.

this is like my only saving grace thought here. that smart people will prevail, because we are smart and can think critically and that’s always gonna come out on top. just when and how much damage is done before then...I don’t know

I really, really think Facebook has more a responsibility here than they are claiming. We can’t turn back time and erase social media, though I wish we could. I, for one, was much better off not knowing people believed this bullshit. It made me like my fellow citizens more when I just assumed they were all good

you don’t have to accept lies as truth. but talking to them does require us reasonable people to swallow some of our anger. it’s extremely unfortunate but is it really anything new, that AGAIN the burden is on us to make things right? not the spoiled stupid children fucking everything up? sigh. anyway, I posted this

I posted this elsewhere, but my technique is start small, very small, and be ready to swallow some of your anger and backburner some beliefs. at least during the space of the conversations.

for real. is my future really being decided by washed up bleached blondes with bad makeup?

so how did we get from turn of the century sensational journalism to reasonable fact-based journalism?