
that has really been an annoying sticking point about all this. like ugh AGAIN it’s the reasonable people who are actually the victims of these crazy people’s actions who have to take the job on of educating them.

I’ve been reading a lot about non-violent communication techniques. Recommend “Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Life” by Marshall Rosenberg. Start small with the people around you, talking using these techniques so the conversation can actually go somewhere.

...lipstick on a pig?

see stefan’s reply. now is a good time to get your head out of the sand.

jezebel comments have gotten noticeably more annoying and filled with smarmy dudes who think they’re brilliant since gawker shut down

and what do you care about?

ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner

I thought we were over blaming each other...? because surely everyone realizes how fruitless that is...right?

this is a lot like the #notallmen argument. just because you personally consider yourself a good person, it’s necessary to acknowledge that the dinner you’re making for your family and the life you lead is in many ways built on the backs of these people.

look. I am doing the things I can in my personal life in my diverse liberal city, but I also have a responsibility to talk to and engage with my family back home in nowhereville. my job, beyond the things I’m doing personally, is to convince my white family that these things are real and actually happening. shoving

whatever dude

“don’t try to be right” is the best advice I’ve heard in a while. thank you.

you have any minority friends? any immigrant friends? muslims? think about them and how they cannot go back to ordinary life.

you’re totally right. I already reached out to my brother, the easiest one to talk to. we’re good, even though he voted johnson. I’m not going to lecture him. this is above politics. I will, as Bernie and Warren are saying, wait and see what happens. if Trump does things for the good of the American people, fine. any

thank you. since this morning I’ve come around to needing to reach out to them. I am still angry, so it will be a slow process. But this is more important than my ego. I won’t back down or condone racist/homophobic/anti women/anti minorities/anti immigrant talk. But I want to show them a human face—their blood

JFC people are shitty. I used to abstractly think we were all doomed, now I believe it. I just want to live my life in peace, love my dog, enjoy the beautiful planet, and read books. and now I’m the enemy?

so wading into facebook comments sections or no? I mean, I have a life to take care of, and sanity I work hard to preserve. I live across the country from my family, I never see them and in fact told my mother I wouldn’t go to my trump-supporting brother’s wedding next summer. Should I go? And be beset on all sides?

yes. what do I do with the passively racist people in my Pennsylvania living family who voted Trump or third party? Right now I can’t speak to them. But I know that’s not the best course of action. But how do I talk to them? They have made themselves my enemy, not the other way around.

Yup. And a badass at an early age. Honestly, these Trump trolls/anti HRC people are just rude. It’s not even a matter of politics, it’s about human flipping decency.