
lurve you guys. a vote for anyone else/not voting at all is selfish and privileged. pisses me off to see these self-righteous boys crowing about how the Dems didn’t win their vote and none of the policies are for them. Well poo poo, did you know there are 300 some million other people in the US, ya dolts? argh.

future president ;)

you’ve got a troll in the greys. let’s not engage, and savor today as it is.

you’ve got a troll. let’s not engage, and savor today as it is.

commie! this is America!


just turned my massive howl of laughter into a series of polite coughs at my desk at work

I feel like that could be said for his campaign, in general. Trump 2016: Why?

I’ve taken to just over-the-top “OH MY GOD NO WAY!! HOW have I NEVER EVER seen that! you have so 100% changed my mind thank you, brilliant, insightful person!”

ahhh the comments on that are a thing of beauty

they’re probably jealous, honestly.

nate silver is my guru. whenever I feel bad, I go to the fivethirtyeight prediction page.

I said this elsewhere, but don’t most of these washed up pack a day for 20 year types actually want to have sex with Trump? I read that somewhere. they have convinced themselves that he’s a sexy man man. the fact that he’d never touch them with a ten foot pole doesn’t seem to get into their brains (much like other

yup. I think they fantasize about having sex with Trump, honestly.

yeah. it’s a very slow climb towards enlightenment. sloooowww. we’re going good overall, really, considering how much organized religion is down and reliance on science is up. but then backlash like this election year brings us back 50 years again. one step for man, one giant shitstorm for mankind.

with comments like these I like to share that my own stepbrother unfriended me from Facebook after getting into a series of arguments over Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter. Yep. He didn’t unfollow me, he completely unfriended me. Which is fine, really. Now I need to figure out how to get out of going to his

yeah, I think a lot of female Drumpf supporters want to have sex with him. They’re legit attracted to him. They should all move to some other planet.

oh, this looks great. I wasn’t sure what it was before and was initially turned off because I am not good with scary or violent movies, but I want to see this.

a few days late, but I, personally, get offended by the whining over the lost jobs. I get that that is catastrophic. But ya know what, they should really vote for the person who says they’re going to bring new, *different* jobs in, because the jobs they lost are.not.coming.back.period. They are gone. Their way of life