I, too, get frustrated when people act like our Constitution is always perfected interpreted.
I, too, get frustrated when people act like our Constitution is always perfected interpreted.
I kinda agree, plus multirace children are adorable? I’m on my way there with my LTR with a brown man.
well, the problem there is, those other groups have to stand up to say they are proud because they are maligned for being who they are, and have been for generations. I don’t see a lot of maligning against white people in history, mostly I just see white people in charge of shit.
the unfollow button is your friend
well, she’d be the only one then *puts nose in air about how truly awful hitler’s art was*
hey civil war nerd, are prostitutes really called hookers because of General Hooker?
identifies with =/= representative of
another reason why all this stuff about white and degrees of white and whatever is total nonsense. we’re all descended from the same people, and on some level, are all related as humans. not that science and world history are these people’s strong suits.
there’s rallies all the time...there was just one a few months ago in Anaheim, California.
moveeeeee tooo Californiaaaaaaaa
*despite probably never having read it
I know, I’m just wondering why he’s being referred to as entitled. I mean, any pro football player is entitled to me, they make loads of money and are famous and such. but I don’t see his act of sitting down as an act of entitlement.
hm, in the cultural heritage world, conservators clean priceless paintings, not maids getting paid 22k USD a year. it might be acceptable if the job was really entry level housekeeping with room and board especially in a PALACE but this is a little weird.
no, Bobby did some incorrect Googling
yes, is this an outfit or did she just leave the spa?
Jenelle was always the worst.
that super bums me out. they actually looked like regular people together, not weird celebrities, and I thought Emma Roberts was cool. But she’s not cool. Violence is never ok, no matter how mad or angry you are.
relevant: http://www.stereogum.com/1896142/smash-…
right? it’s weird to us normals, but a fit celebrity on vacay with his sexy girlfriend is basically gonna do whatever he wants.