that one doesn’t even make sense, HRC seems to have just fine breasts, and she seems reasonably in shape, so I doubt her thighs are any bigger than some flyover townie who would wear a button like that. or anyone’s who eats at KFC on the reg either!
that one doesn’t even make sense, HRC seems to have just fine breasts, and she seems reasonably in shape, so I doubt her thighs are any bigger than some flyover townie who would wear a button like that. or anyone’s who eats at KFC on the reg either!
10,000 people “hearted” that pic on Twitter :( :( :(
I love the “it’s your fault because you had sex” argument, it’s the same as: “you wore that skirt and got raped, it’s your fault for dressing sexy” and also “if they didn’t want their pictures posted on my revenge site, they shouldn’t have taken the pictures in the first place”. victim blaming, it’s all the rage!
us ‘mericans get awfully confused about the definition of “United Kingdom” :D
it’s clearly not working when people like this lady are using it. I don’t think having a parent who can lend you 80k should qualify anyone for housing assistance. frustrating.
the Gothamist story on it was better:
I’d like to call Park Slope “Plope”, would that catch on you think?
I think she’s an interior designer, no excuse, but different.
thought it was “Billyburg”...?
gross. that looks like one of that slap jobs by a reno company, poorly done and cheap materials.
my problem with this story is that she took advantage of a city plan that’s supposed to help people who can’t afford it buy houses. this woman can afford it.
I’m jealous she has a dad who is even around and speaks to her *muffled sob* no I’m fine really just like to make jokes at my horrible upbringings expense
the NY Times article said that woman said Crown Heights was an unknown neighborhood or something, it’s definitely not and gentrified like 10 years ago. Fort Greene is a very expensive neighborhood in Brooklyn, really nice with old brownstones. Basically they are details just adding to the idiocy of that woman. hope…
I grew up in Calvert County but moved away many years ago and have no friends around there now. The other day I was reading some article on the DMV and someone said hipsters moved to Bowie? and I was like ?? Bowie is a hip place to live? Can you clarify that at all?
stupid Urs Fischer, boring, dumb sellout
they have to be, I mean, “When she recounts the accident (the child died and Ms. Halweil was not charged) you can really see her calm, philosophical and open demeanor.”????? really?!?!?!
I fuuuuuuuuuuucking hate that couple. Very good hate read, thanks for sharing!
yeah, in my experience the yuks have far outweighed the bad here.
it seems like it would be much better for everyone if we could all learn to ignore the things we don’t agree with. it’s so hard with social media. there are definitely Jez commenters who have said things I don’t particularly like, but overall the commenters here are intelligent, leveled and reasonable. And there’s…