
I know, she’s a great writer, but I miss her *here*. Caity, stop doing real articles and come back to reviewing the best/worst restaurants!

why, what’s going on?

sexism, easy target, etc. it’s not all the commenters, but...yeah.

! I miss Caity

aw man you guys. I’m greyed across the land, but am a long time reader and short time commenter and this sucks. Peter Thiel is a bad, bad man. many props to you all, even the ones I disagree with, and cheers and raising a glass to all the wonderful commenters who have made me double over with laughter too many times

(sorry for commenting on a few days old article)

unfortunately, they’re mostly gone now. my grandparents are turning over in their graves with the rise of Trump.

are you a doctor, you fucking troll? fuck off.

are you having fun being an asshole who gets ignored? lol.

no. Masshole James has been posting fake DT tweets for weeks, and I really wish he’d stop. The reality is bad enough.

there will be.

you’re right, of course, but I’m trying to think positively. just hoping there will not be significant violence. I already know there will be violence.

yeah, it’s almost like America actually isn’t that bad. or well, we are, but it’s more in the open? though not as in the open as South Africa, I hear.

me too, I was very freaked last week after Stone’s comments. BUT I read an NPR story about it, and they ended with a comforting thought.

oh I forgot that was us! How could I forget. #lesbianshitassforever

oh shit Jezebel makes me laugh out loud in my office on the reg but this is pure gold dying over here rn

she has separation anxiety? she has PTSD?

this is not an excuse

exactly, and that’s obvious by how willingly she talks to a reporter like this. she has no conception that the things that come out of her mouth aren’t acceptable.

ding ding ding somebody get Mrs. Beeton a prize for correctly identifying the issue here