They need stronger dykes. I kid, I kid
They need stronger dykes. I kid, I kid
The floodgates opened up after that.
$1,500. lol go fuck yourself Cam. Paris to Charlotte. That is a 9 hour 20 min flight.
Ehhhh, I mean, the fact that they’re basically scalping very affordable tickets to an event that likely has VERY high overhead for travel/lodging, they’re classing out an entire group of people who could probably swing it if they won the lottery. The 200% markup probably moves a full weekend in Augusta from a $4-$5k…
Boomers in 2000: Don’t believe everything you read online.
Boomers in 2019: Twitter user “Rea1NBAC0ach” said it, so it must be true!
tough scene
And you certainly don’t run up the score by 13 goals against a team who’s ranked 40 spots below you
No need to pad the score against the Thai.
Gardner Reaps What He Sows
I think Chara’s proven that he can play despite all manner of injuries so long as he still has the two bolts in his neck.
Any chance Jeff Van Gundy could get banned from all future NBA games as well?
Fuckin’ herbs.
An answer to that Daily Double: Annapolis is home to the annual United States Sailboat Show.
If you shit yourself during a meeting, you double down. Bend over in pain, with your head down on the table, and then while hidden, stick your fingers down your throat and throw up all over yourself. You’re going to want to keel over next and writhe on the ground in agony.
Hawaii to do list:
The fact the 3rd baseman ran and the catcher just kind of sauntered out after putting one between the pitcher’s running lights would lead you to believe this was an assassination attempt.
The machine apparently works fine now, though CSUEB music students can’t get high off it anymore.
You could’ve ended your comment after the first sentence. The dread is fully conjured, right there in those 17 words.
My son was carrying a plate of lasagna next to our new couch while watching the TV. The helplessness and dread I felt as I watched it slide off his plate onto the new furniture in slow motion is the same I felt watching that clip.