Of course they do. They have the Twilight series and the 50 Shades books (all in hardback, natch) up on there. Maybe also some Danielle Steele and every single book Jodi Picoult ever wrote.
"The amount of sexism, gender essentialism, and caveman logic within its pages is soappalling that it's difficult to believe that her book is anything but a cry for help."
This book and the idea that the only happy marriages are those in which the wives submit are the bollocksiest bollocks to ever bollocks. That is all.
I was going to ask if all the typos in the quotes were actual typos in the book or just in the re-print, because there are several.
I don't think the kind of people who would buy this book have bookshelves...
This whole thing is just too horrifying to contemplate. I swear, if I go over to someone's house and I see this book on their bookshelf, I'm going to have to leave.
Agree. She looks like her legs shouldn't even be touching the ground inside that skirt. Oh, Lena.
I like the colors and the concept, but it feels too loose. Needs some more structure and nipping at the waist. The biggest issue here, for me, is her JLo open-mouth face that just doesn't work on her. She looks like she just went catatonic and is about to drool.
Don't forget about the scaly psycho and numerous supervillain lairs down in the sewers.
Wayne Enterprises has several waste management contracts, so it is a reasonable statement for Batman to say "I handle shit."
My suggestion for those who hate unsightly stretch marks: Stop looking at them.
"Unsightly stretch marks" is a "boob blunder"?? FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU.
I can see people are turned into one or the other by the way they are treated. Some people get treated poorly because society is messed up & because the person who is treated poorly doesn't align with the status quo may seem introverted. I find this (non-) issue to be more complex than anything. Everyone is a mix of…
Exactly. Look at the Field of Jars from Laos. Nobody knows for sure who or for what they were erected. Doesn't mean Alee-uns from Outer Space came and planted a shitload of clay jars just to troll us puny Humans.
The idea that aliens helped ancient people to build monuments is, in my opinion, the worst form of racism. This attitude is perpetuated by mentally inadequate individuals who have no understanding of physics, engineering, geometry or chemistry in order to make themselves feel better. They believe, in their infinite…
THIS is the picture of the Cat that Walked by Himself, walking by his wild lone through the Wet Wild Woods and waving his wild tail.
Cat said 'I am not a friend, and I am not a servant. I am the cat who walks by himself, and I wish to come into your Cave.'
"And the funny thing is that one man’s tricky girl doesn’t necessarily make her another man’s. "
That was the late 70s when disco was big and you had to be attractive enough to be allowed in a club ;p Most of the 70s for most people was more earthy-crunchy. Look at news stock footage of the 70s. The look youre talking about, the sleazy medallion wearing club crawler look has never gone out of style from the 70s;…