
CERN, probably:

Sadly, I think this is a great route for female gamers to go who get harassed online.

NPR got the scoop on pricing:

So poor people with depression will take their lives and people with disposable income will endure. Fuck.

The optics of finding an immortality potion in a tomb are going to be a real blow to the entire alchemy industry.

Shhh, the adults are talking. I’m sure mommy and daddy will give you your baba after you have a nap, poor wittle thing.

“Do you have to be offended to share an opinion or something?”

No, which is why you don’t have to be so offended about people expressing their opinions. 

“it’s dumb for anyone to be offended by something so trivial”

You mean like getting offended over people expressing opinions? Trivial like that?

Ooh, sorry. So close. Thanks for playing but you lose. Enjoy the home game.

This is the second time you’ve responded to me directly about something you claim you do not care about. It’s not about time and energy, it’s about time and energy you could spend doing literally anything that you do claim to care about

Way to oversimplify.

If it’s so trivial, why is it worth your time to comment at all? Why even click the article in the first place?

You don’t get to decide what’s trivial or not to other people.

Why get so worked up? You’re way behind on your Assassin’s Creed lore. The animus hasn’t required ancestral connections for several games.  

first off, that’s not how the tech works in assassin’s creed anymore.

second, they touted the ability to choose which romantic encounters you engage with and which you don’t as a feature before release

They don’t need to procreate to further the plot. The whole “need a descendant” thing was dropped as of Black Flag. Heck, it’s pretty strongly implied that neither playable character from Origins had any descendants.

On the flip side, why make a part of the game choosing who you can romance if you’re only going to add DLC later that says “Nah, fuck that. This is who really mattered”? Regardless of whether your character was gay or straight, it seems like a really stupid choice.

This doesn’t sound any better, frankly.

Eh, dont think so

As a Bernie supporter that voted for him in the primaries in 2016: