I'm tired of hearing about the Apple Maps crap. Yes, in 3D view there are some bugs, and yes, outside of the US (where any mapping data is more sparse), there are some data related issues.
I'm tired of hearing about the Apple Maps crap. Yes, in 3D view there are some bugs, and yes, outside of the US (where any mapping data is more sparse), there are some data related issues.
85 feels like a good cruising speed for most highways. Some I think could be higher.
Be honest, who thought "I bet it's an Asian girl" when they read the title?
Actually, I was arguing mostly with you "people are allowed their own opinions" bit.
Ah, re-read the thread.
Dude, honestly, this discussion has gone on so long, I don't even know what started it at this point.
And making those kind of comments IS mature? Think about what you're defending right now.
Do you have eyes?
You are. By standing up for hate speech, you stand up for the crimes those who spew the shit are guilty of.
Not at all.
Being mad at people who are anti-lgbt never killed anyone, however, those with anti-lgbt lash out physically, and it happens a lot more often than you'd think.
Belief is one thing. I believe in God.
I'm just saying, being mocked for weight or dancing ability (I myself can't dance worth a damn) is not the same for being mocked for being LGBT. No one ever threatened to kill someone because they suck at dancing, otherwise I'd have 1000 death threats every night I get drunk and go to a party.
NO, this is PATRICK
Kudos all around.
Opinions are one thing. But this is a group of people who are beaten and killed due to those opinions.
... or just use "she"?
What I really want to know is what car company will be the first to show a transgendered woman who has had the top surgery, but not the bottom surgery. Conservatives would complain about tits, but have to stick to their stance that the transsexual are the same sex they were born with.
Well... it's certainly memorable.