
Sir, if there were heart clicks or stars or anything that mattered in the new comment system, you'd get it.

How many people get killed simply because they can't dance?

The Intimidator. Huge Earnhardt fan growing up. My lucky number is still #3.

Further proof the cop is full of it. No decent person with a minor foot injury would sell for that much.

Samsung Glyde. It was their first "look we have a touchscreen phone too" after the iPhone was released. Salesperson told me it had a capacitive screen (it doesn't, it's resistive). Keyboard was so bad, I swore off physical keyboards on phones, screen was terribly inaccurate at detecting input, it froze a lot, crashed

You'd think Ferrari would be quick to fix this issue, as the phrase "flaming Ferrari" is too catchy. It's really damaged their reputation.

You say well hidden, but if it's under or around anything in the area, a thief will look there.


I like Big Macs, it's my favorite burger. What's that got to do with my smartphone preference??

Yeah, because if you forget your keys, you certainly remembered your bump key. And leaving your bump key outside? Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to use a bump key. I'm sure someone who was prepared to break into your house will not be turned away because the key outside didn't work right. He'll either know about bump

He wrote a book called In the Plex. I've only read excerpts, to be honest, and this is because from what I've heard, its very congratulatory of Google, even of their failures.

Take your pills. If you're not taking meds, do what the other cynics do: get a drink or two, it'll help.

Actually, I got that "Android was directly inspired by iOS" from an ex Google employee.

Android was directly inspired by iOS. And if you've been following these patent battles, you wouldn't need me to help you play catchup.

Talk about a frivolous lawsuit. A number of other companies use the same features Motorola is suing over, and using different methods. That is, assuming Motorola is suing over the same things they've sued elsewhere for.

I don't think you understand what you're implying. You see, you're saying that guys in technology are bigger misogynists than any other group of guys. By saying that men in tech are the reason women aren't in tech, you're implying that we're a worse group of guys than any other group.

Who's Yahoo's new CEO?

That's terrible.

honestly, I can't think of a single person I know who would say that. Men aren't keeping women out. I'll prove that with an example of the shoe being on the other foot. You don't see a lot of straight, male fashion designers do you? Do yu think it's because a guy who would be interested is told to go watch football by

I've met maybe one asshole who would say derogatory things to a woman because she's in the tech industry. And he was a jerk in high school, probably grew up a lot since then.