
I should also say this. Anyone who said you lipstick shampooed to get your position is a prick. A creative prick though, who just gave be a great new nick-name for a BJ. Still a prick though.

Yeah, all girls have a basement at their parents house full of old computers, didnt you know that?

Women are, by far, outnumbered in the technological field. Yes, we all use technology. Doesn't mean you care about how it works, or have that curiosity all nerds do. I'm willing to bet if you asked people what operating system and version is on their phone, more guys than girls would give you a correct answer. I also

They'd end up sued and in prison for that.

Hurray, light pollution!

Seems like the whole story isn't being told here, like the involvement of a valet. The car was in a valet spot, and the valet actually had been handed the keys already. The cop was simply being a jackass in writing the ticket (no surprise there). No mention either of how the cop pretty much put his foot there

The 2012/13 model year is turning out some exciting cars. Looking forward to getting behind the wheel of any in particular?

Gizmodo really likes that photo. You guys use it for nearly every article about porn.

They're not bad, they just look like they weren't as carefully 'designed' like Apple commercials usually are.

One one hand, this reminds me of the initial response to the Mac vs PC ads. However, those ads were more simplistic, using the plain white background. It was the simplicity that is Apple's signature.

I've found that on a number of HTML5 sites, the animations are smoother in Safari.

Exactly, Safari, like other Apple software, was just designed to be intuitive and work with the hardware. On a PC, Safari's not too special, but on the Mac, it's the best browser unless you need plenty of extensions, as there aren't many for Safari.

I disagree, I like Safari more than Chrome.

Many (especially Apple) say we've entered a "post-PC" era. Personally, I'm inclined to agree, but there are some very big issues I have with this, being a software developer. I feel as though the inability to create software solely from a mobile device could hurt interest in software development education, as people

If its a landline phone.

Color me skeptical, as I've had problems on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Also, Dolphin uses webkit, just like Chrome and Safari.

Safari will be getting these features in iOS 6, making Chrome pretty worthless.

Still has a lousy keyboard, and a tiny trackpad, and can't play games.

Netbooks ran an OS that was too heavy for the power. iOS has some amazing games, with great graphics, and it's also incredibly thin and fast with a lightweight OS.

You suck. (Seriously, are we going to be immature like this? Could be fun).