
He's obsessed? You're the one arguing with him over some damn tax records. Take a chill pill.

More mindless Apple bashing?

If the back seats weren't completely useless, I'd really want this car.

Everyone thinks these drawings are amazing.

The reasoning for using this pose isn't just for sex appeal. For one, there are plenty of men in the same pose. In fact, did you notice something else about all these posters?

Evidence contrary to the opinions of feminists are frequently ignored.

And yet, I think that's worst than "sent from my smartphone".

I'm not just making a point about the live rear axel, suspension, or weight here. As far as fitting people or things in your car, a hatch is more desirable.

Admittedly, I haven't driven either hard. I have a base model Focus, and I've driven an older Mustang, and I do prefer the Focus. But really, that's hardly a fair comparison.

Some of us drive in more than straight lines.

Foxconn has already stated that they're going to be handling all these issues.

The new iPad was my first, and I absolutely love it. Reasons to get it over the iPad 2:

I've drained my iPad as low as ~10% battery life (spent all day playing games). Took less ethan 7 hours to charge to 100% overnight.

If you can't beat the pirates, join them.

The case doesn't get hot at all. I'd use it on my lap with no pants... If you know what I mean.

Used it all weekend, plenty of gaming (even while charging). It never got anything more than warm, and never even as warm as my laptop.

See! I told you young whippersnappers! The internet is jus' a series of tubes!

You kidding? I love Doctor Who and Top Gear, they're among my favorite shows. And I hated the fact that I had two options for watching season 6 of Doctor Who (until it just went up on Netflix). I could illegally stream it, or drop $20 for it the season. I hate illegal streaming. The quality is crap, and I feel guilty

Nobody wants to download a TV show. They want to stream it. Hell, it's usually true with movies too.

ANYTHING starting with "Speed Limit".