It has taken me some time to get used to it, which is normally not something I could say about an Apple product.
It has taken me some time to get used to it, which is normally not something I could say about an Apple product.
Yeah the more I used it, the more I found that this was my biggest problem with the feature.
Apple creating their own platform may be cheaper in the long run.
Apple added the ability to delete photo stream photos finally.
What I hate, and the main reason I won't go with a 4G iPad, is the fact that I can't just combine my data plan. I only get 2GB a month, what does AT&T care what devices I use to get to that 2GB?
Yeah, it's wrong, but so are many of the other 4G claims right now. Hell, most of the time, 4G is just a gimmick to sell a new phone, and users see nothing but decreased battery life.
I've got to disagree here. I think buying a one trick pony is dumb.
It would be. But I think they're still overpricing them a bit. When you have a monopoly on a certain drug due to a patent, you can price it however you'd like.
All of that can be applied to YouTube.
He's right. After plenty of campaign contributions (and words from the MPAA) he became a political target. And if these content providers did even one iota of work towards stopping piracy at the cause, then there would be very little piracy. Megaupload took down copyrighted material all the time, just as youtube does.…
Yeah, because aspirin is as simple as chemotherapy, or DNA altering enzymes.
The cost of producing a pill is a few cents.
Not to mention death keeps their businesses running smoothly.
Yeah, because cancer treatment is so cheap.
I was hoping to see some more natural voice commands, to see if Google's Voice commands could handle/understand them.
And now the bad news. Just like everything else the pharmaceutical companies run, it'll be incredibly expensive, and they'll have so many lobbyists making our politicians pass laws to keep it that way.
Hahaha health care including optional treatments. What a thought!