
Employees passing out?

Only thing I ever use my mouse for is games. Other than that, I'll occasionally use a pen and tablet for graphics, but 99% of the time, the multitouch trackpad is all I want to use. So much more than a mouse.

The NY Times recently got burned by Apple concerning the Mountain Lion update. Apple gave early previews to their competitors, but ignored the NY Times. This was because of their reporting on Foxconn, their targeting of Apple, and the fact that it's not really fair to do so.

Yeah, Apple is actually pretty good, and has sent inspectors to Foxconn, and even pushed some of their beneficial changes. They're also the ones who called the Fair Labor Association in to do an unbiased 3rd party review. They didn't even tell their suppliers that inspectors were coming in.

Apple generates pageviews. Seriously, Apple news, especially controversial Apple news, is able to generate more money than saying "All tech companies are essentially using slave labor". Which they're not, Foxconn working conditions are actually quite good in comparison to other Chinese factories.

The Fair Labor Association has already released a preliminary report saying the conditions in Foxconn are far above average. The recent pay increases (and upcoming ones as well) will increase wages far over the average as well.

As long as I'll always be able to drive my own car, I'm fine with this.

Or your summary of events is incredibly skewed.

And you don't think more honest reporting and going after ALL tech companies profiting off of poor working conditions would be more beneficial?

But Foxconn really isn't any worse than other Chinese factories. In fact, it's probably a lot better.

A different manufacturer.

Well even if they were feeling terrible, what company are they going to go to for a phone?

But all the tech companies are using the same manufacturing plant. Going after Apple alone won't make things any better, as these other companies aren't going to agree to higher costs unless someone puts pressure on them.

Apple isn't Foxconn's only customer. Even if Apple tried to change things, they'd have to get the support of the other companies using Foxconn, which isn't likely, since no one's paying attention to them.

That's not what I said.

No, but asking "why is the media singling out Apple and only Apple" should be something you're willing to ponder.

Because articles about Apple generate more responses than "let's all be hippies and boycott everything today!".

I'm so sick and tired of this irresponsible reporting, Gizmodo. That goes for all other media outlets as well, but usually Gizmodo tries to be bit better than them, not worse.

Simple: make it available.

Well duh, we need to remember stuff for the ol' yank bank.