I did for a while on my iPhone 4. Got a pretty deep scratch on the back when it fell on the floor and slid a little.
I did for a while on my iPhone 4. Got a pretty deep scratch on the back when it fell on the floor and slid a little.
Steal (v): take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it: (as adj. stolen)
Stealing leaves you with nothing.
If I steal from you, you lose something.
1) Piracy isn't stealing
I'd rather a streaming service like Netflix, where all new shows, and movies that normally would have gone to DVD are available. I'd pay $50 a month for such a service.
Not really, because you have to take price into consideration. Sure, a person was willing to stream a TV show for free, but would they ever go out and pay $30+ for the season just to get one episode?
One thing I don't get: why not go after the politicians?
The bad thing about stealing something, is that you take something away from someone else.
"I'll just buy these all season tires! They're for ALL seasons, DUH!"
The difference is, when the product you want is something you'd be willing to pay for, but it's greatly overpriced because it's packaged with a bunch of crap you don't want, and they make you go across town, and hire someone to hand deliver it to you.
Not just channels, shows.
Yeah, and the only other store offers the shirts for free, after they use their magic copying machine to make shirts exactly like the original.
Sorry, but until the media companies are willing to make their products available in the format we want, and at a fair price, we're going to pirate.
Anyone else loving this?
So... they're holding it wrong?
You say pollution. I say tactical cover.
I'd say the big reason is competition. Android manufacturers looking to best each other have a size contest going on, and they can always claim a bigger screen than the iPhone. Not that this is necessarily better...
Damn! "Screw off". wtf, Gawker, can you fix your comment system? Or... you know, anything? Oddly enough, I couldn't fix the comment until I replied to my own comment. I'm sure I can expect a notification for that in an hour.