I think smartphones and iPods are killing off any road games.
I think smartphones and iPods are killing off any road games.
If you happen to find a unified theory, I'm sure you'll win the Nobel this year. No unified theory just yet. Wait a millennia or two.
Good find.
I completely agree. The Focus is already 12 years old, and still going strong. It's still affordable, reliable, and a nimble car.
Oh yeah, I definitely am looking forward to the Focus ST (whenever Ford decides to stop delaying the release).
Just turned on the TV. Love Guru is on, and it was the scene when the master pours tea through his nose. Just as I was checking my Gizmodo notifications. What a coincidence!
No open containers INSIDE the car.
Steve Jobs was against the tinkering of Apple products. He wanted them to be the complete solution, and people to rarely, if ever, need to open them up.
Oh god, it's terrifying. I'm starting to have flashbacks.
There are moments when you feel like you're drowning, yes. For the most part, it doesn't go down your throat though.
Those work better than netti pots, even if you use the saline. I found a netti pot only helped for about a minute, and then I was congested again.
Just another reason to never use a netti pot again.
Focus and Elantra are two great choices for car of the year.
You could always jailbreak. I believe an untethered jailbreak is out now for iOS 5. I mean, if you have to side load apps, you might as well just jailbreak an iOS device and be able to download apps from Cydia.
I hate that Bill Gates quote. He didn't get the idea for a GUI from Xerox, he got it from the Lisa and Macintosh. The Xerox GUI was actually pretty bad, but the idea was solid. That's why Apple paid Xerox for it, and even hired employees, then went on to greatly improve it before putting it on anything.
I've used Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, Android, and iOS.
Most thieves aren't that smart. Even if they are, they'd have to be pretty quick, and avoid their house until they've done it.
I care more about the game than the character. You don't need a specific gender to tell a good story, or have great action or fun. So really, I couldn't care less.