If you've ever heard either of them speak, you'd quickly see the difference. Stallman could be described as the most hardcore fanboy you'll ever meet, for GNU. It defies logic.
If you've ever heard either of them speak, you'd quickly see the difference. Stallman could be described as the most hardcore fanboy you'll ever meet, for GNU. It defies logic.
I would have to refrain from telling him "TL;DR" and finding another speaker. Preferably one who doesn't treat his beliefs regarding tech as religious dogma.
They say "no viruses", which, to this day, is a true statement.
Protests only turn into riots when stuff like this happens. So, if they did their job of "protect and serve" and protesters didn't taunt them, there's be no issue with mass protests.
"Pretty much".
True, but where on the screen did it tell you to do that? The "slide to unlock" patent says you use a gesture to follow a visual cue. There was no visual cue for that device, you just had to know that's how it was unlocked (if that is how it was unlocked).
A patent can be for anything.
The past few times I've stayed at a hotel it was due to snow storms during a road trip. Not much of a choice there.
I didn't travel a lot before the release of the iPad, but I have never found a hotel with decent wifi. It's always been added on as an afterthought.
Somehow, I actually would had less trouble believing that. After all, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". (thank god for Wikipedia, allowing me to correctly quote Arthur C Clark).
Quick, someone, ask Siri to tell us a ghost story!
For my amusement mostly.
You forgot the #1 most important thing. Flashlights and batteries. Lots of batteries.
Well, I have done some tuning, along with a new intake and exhaust. It does have some pickup.
Apple paid Xerox for that, through shares, and hired the Xerox employees. They made huge improvements on the interface, and reduced the cost of the mouse from $300 to $15, making it viable for anyone. It was hardly stealing.
Oh yes, I'm just dumb enough to do this.
Android would be a Blackberry clone if not for the iPhone. It didn't matter who was cloned, Google just wanted to copy the best idea.
2008... AFTER the reveal of the iPhone? It takes longer than a few months to overhaul an OS, but they had a head start.
The notifications aren't all that similar. Sure, they're drop down lists, but a drop down list is a pretty common feature in the computing world. Also, Apple's looks a whole lot better, and has widgets. It was designed from a jailbreak app, actually. Apple hired the guy who made the jailbreak app, and paid him a good…