It seems the 458 is more polarizing than I thought. I love it. It's mean, angry, powerful. Everything a super car should be.
Check out what Android looked like before and after the iPhone was revealed. Also, an Ex Google employee has written a book in which he describes Eric Schmidt's reaction to seeing the iPhone. After seeing it, he wanted Google to do the same thing.
It was also the first "PDA". The term PDA was coined by Apple for the Newton.
There's a reason Apple got the jump on Google with the iPad. Eric Schmidt never saw it.
Xerox was throwing the idea out. It was clunky, had a $300 mouse, and would never have sold a single unit. Steve hired the people who worked on it, and gave Xerox stock in Apple. He then went to create a better interface, and a $15 mouse to go along with it. That was so wonderful, Ol' Billy Gates decided to create a…
Does a guy who has kids and a family really fall high on that pedophile ranking?
Insurance is based on statistics. If they don't account for every small detail, it would cost a whole lot more, for everyone.
Get this to work for the iPhone 4, and then I'll be really excited.
Well, I don't think anyone should be going in the bathrooms with the kids in the first place. But singling men out because most sexual predators are men? That's bigotry. You see, very few men are sexual predators. You can't assume 99% of the guys you meet are perverts. That's like saying "since most people in prison…
The MS3 IS an SUV...
Men can't be alone with children ever then?
The worst thing you can do to your browser's security is install Flash. I can't wait for the day to be able to uninstall it completely and forget it.
Unless it's your kid, you shouldn't be taking them to the bathroom.
Of course, I only decided to get a DS Lite a few months ago... for $70 =/
Coolest sleeping bag. Ever.
Yeah, for Mac. I use MSE on my work computer.