
Sure, but cheating is far worse. For example, if he had found she was not cheating, as a result of his spying, they would be happily together. But, that's not what he found out, is it? I don't believe he was one of those "douchebags", constantly controlling, following. He was just doing what any of us would do if we

You mean to tell me that if you suspected your wife of cheating on you, and caught her lying about her whereabouts on occasion, you wouldn't want to be sure before spending tons of money on a PI to gather evidence for a divorce?

Before you hire a PI, check Find my Friends!

Or rather, the second she decided to cheat on him.

Any idiot could tell the difference between a Prada and an iPhone at 10 feet, let alone 100 feet.

Never broke one. I do believe the glass is tough though. Once, with the Apple bumper, I hit my leg hard. The bumper got a cut in it, but despite hitting the phone flat on, the glass was unmarked.

I believe it would void the warranty. Also, for newer iPhones, you may need to make sure you get the special screwdriver.

You can find plenty, and different designs on Amazon.com. I've heard the metal ones cause interference, so you may want to go with a glass or plastic back panel. I'd recommend plastic, because though it can be scuffed more easily, at least it's more drop-proof.

Released just a few months before Apple's iPhone (the iPhone was already finished and being produced when the Prada was revealed), and the iPhone is even more minimalistic.

That's my one complaint about my iPhone 4. It's a beautiful phone, but because I'm worried about the smallest fall breaking it, I need to cover it up with a case.

Well, let's take a look at smartphones before and after 2007, shall we?

Probably the same moron who invented the capitalization of the first letters of sentences and proper nouns, as well as proper use of punctuation.

And all computers have processors and a screen. But they're otherwise unique.

These lawyers were very familiar with the tablets, yet only one could tell the difference from 10 feet.

It's actually a ploy to get more Americans interested in soccer.

Maybe there's an app or mobile site you could use? If you have an iPhone, AT&T has a great app for managing your account.

I noticed no increased battery drain yesterday, when I set a reminder to tell me to schedule an appointment for a haircut when I left work.

One thing in AT&T's favor: rollover minutes. Honestly, I have the minimum number of minutes, and I'll probably never need more. Well over 1000 rollover minutes built up in a year.

By not using that car, he's required them to send him another. That means more gas, and more pollution, which is destroying animals' habitats. Way to go, Tobey.

That looks more like the old windows tablets: tablets before the iPad.