
Look at the car industry. Every car has similar design language, aerodynamics, etc, yet they all have their own personality. You'd never mistake a Mustang for a Camaro, even though they're incredibly similar, even under the hood.

The distance was about 10 feet, so I've heard.

Oh, only my pig latin comments get promoted. That's actually the secret.

But you will notice the difference. Better battery life.

No, I'm saying that they should be trying NEW THINGS.

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Colors. Dual screens that go right up to the edge. Curved glass. Interchangeable faces and custom designs. Head tracking 3D.

I'm glad. And not because I'm an Apple fanboy. I'd rather variety, and good competition than a bunch of products that all look the same. I'd rather see something unique from each company, innovation across the board.

They do look a bit too big. I suppose it's to help with a touch based Mac in the future.

Yeah, I have no interest in Newstand. Paying for magazines and newspapers, when I have access to the internet? No thanks.

The iPad was released 8 days after the JooJoo, which was called the Crunchpad AFTER the iPad.

Light is bending due to the effect of gravity. We've even observed it using the sun as the gravitational center.

I can see this being excellent for the freemium model. Pay if you want to see your shots instantly.

I turned off radar right away. Yes, it's cool, but the constant tracking isn't only bad for privacy, but also for battery life.

Every time I hear about a beloved car being stolen, I think of this:

Hehehe I was just making a joke. But saying "generic tablet" when tablets prior to the iPad looked nothing like what you're considering a "generic tablet" isn't very fair. Apple made the design you're calling generic, and it's only become that due to the huge number of companies copying them.

Ha ha, very funny. Putting a screenshot from the Samsung Galaxy on an iPad... wait... is that an iPad?

I noticed that as well. Could you imagine if the design works, and he's known as the next Einstein or Tesla? The meaning of the word would change entirely.

Lion was also updated, new iCloud features, and bigger launchpad icons.

First time, I foolishly canceled the restore halfway through. I was planning on severely reducing the number of apps on my iPhone (was up to 140), so I'd manually put them back on. Unfortunately, it then backed up the half-sync, and I was left without my apps or data. I also had to restore it to factory, as I had