
When I first tried I did, however, I screwed something up. I later restored from an old backup (with iOS 5 installed), and it was replaced by the backup data.

Ended up using an old backup from my Time Machine backup. Got everything back, and iOS 5. May want to delete all your old backups, and then use time machine (or whatever you're using for backups) to restore it.

If you have time machine, you can restore an old backup from it. Worked like a charm, just deleted the bad backups, restored my old one, and set it up. You can right click your iPhone in iTunes and select the backup you'd like to use.

going through the very same problems.

Not really. I'm actually having issues here. It won't sync anything, halfway through the restore it stopped, and restoring from the backup just puts it in the half synced state. I'm going to have to wipe everything I think.

Downloaded fine, but continually said "restore" during installation process. Afterwards, it asks me if I want to set it up as a new iPhone, or restore from a backup. x_X wtf?

What's the big deal. Cars > Bikes. End of story.

Poor security

Damn you Sony. At this point, you should be paying your subscribers to stay on.

I use what I consider best. If it's something Apple makes, I use it. If not, I'll use it anyway.

Hurray, American Justice!

Peanut butter and peanuts are among my favorite snacks.

I do like circles more than lists, and I don't miss the wall too much (although Google is working on adding a feature like this).

If the Amazon Kindle Fire wasn't proof enough, clock speeds aren't enough to determine overall speed. Of course, we knew that in the computing world for some time, but it seems to be an ignored fact in the mobile shootouts.

Uh... yes they do. Might want to research such things before making outrageous claims.

Oh, was "read the article" Mac biased?

Amazing how you didn't read past the second sentence. Just a few more, and you would have seen the statistics from a web traffic study. So close.

Turn on parental controls?

If you have the right genes, does it make you happy?

And yet it's still a more reliable news source than most of the outlets here in the US.