
Someone photoshop the picture of Florida being cut of from the US to being California.

Taking "the stranger" to a whole new level.

The answer to every AOTD

Put these on the field at soccer games. The number of injuries would be cut in half.

This was far more of a tease.

I'd hardly say Ford's done a bad job with the Mustang and Focus.

Well, it was apparently just for testing, so it's a moot point anyway.

Well, in the EU, Microsoft got in trouble for Internet Explorer. Whether or not something like that could happen here is unlikely, but still possible.

Oddly enough, I can't even find the Sparks now on the main page. While it's possible, some of the other sparks lead me to believe that Google+ wasn't tailoring these results based on searches. Especially since they were there from the beginning.

Go into Google+ and check out the sparks. Android is included as a "popular subject". Seems to me like they're just pushing their own services. Those calling Google out on this may have a valid point.

Top news is outdated, and the ticker has more than I want. Plus, the interface has become a web designer's nightmare. Everything feels too cramped. I just hope this is enough to push the Google+ revolution.

At the very end of the book, I'll have in fine print "this book is useless crap".

Another key:

Annnnnnnd heartclick.

Sorry, you're right, I forgot innocent until proven guilty was thrown out in the case of speeding tickets.

But can they prove you were in it?

What about slurs said over voice chat during games of Halo by 13 year olds? Where's that study?

I prefer texts. And voicemails? What is this, 2000?

Diamonds may be forever, but 50% of marriages are not.

Yesterday, my friends and I decided to watch a movie. For shits and giggles, we decided to only use legal means, no illegal streaming or downloading.