
Good. If they don't want to follow the laws of the road, don't let them use the roads.

Sites do this solely to increase page views. The "read more" links that go to the full article aren't bad, I understand they can save space on a home page and decrease load times. But having an article split up into 10 sections for the page views?

If you can't afford the issuance to tow the car, don't tow the car.

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies rip people off more than mechanics.

And the winner...

It was taken apart to reveal that all it does is light up a few LEDs, nothing else.

The new Mustang customization site almost makes me want one.

To be honest, I haven't been on a plane since I was 10. Still, there's really no difference between this inhaler and an ecig, besides the fact that others can tell what you're doing with the ecig.

I smoke 10 a day as well. But we're "light smokers". There are people who smoke a pack or more every day. I doubt they'd have little issue.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's OCD about badges on apps.

And the sad thing is, people don't care about rights unless it's in their own self interest. Trust me, an hour long flight without a smoke is annoying. But a 4+ hour flight, surrounded by loud, fat, jackasses? Yeah, you'll need a smoke... and maybe a drink.

The air is constantly being circulated and filtered in these planes. Also, it's water vapor, not smoke.

Seeing as the ST will be starting under 30k, it seems like it may be cheaper to do a lot of this work yourself, unless Ford is skimping on the ST-R details.

Do a bit of research before clacking away on the keyboard next time.

Next up, any activity that increases the moisture in the air by a marginal amount.... like exhaling.

AKA "FoFo" (FOrd FOcus).


G+ is great, but not enough people are willing to try it out, and those who do quickly get bored because no one is actively using it (because they can't get their friends on board).

A lot less often. In fact, I've only seen it once while shutting down after upgrading to Lion (and haven't seen it since), and once when trying to over clock a G4 processor in my PowerMac G4.

I feel, and maybe this is just my opinion, like the actual printed error text was written by the same teenaged girl. It's far too wordy, like someone trying to increase the length of a paper and seem smarter at the same time by adding similes or extra descriptions where they're not necessary.