I guess it's different when you have an office job. From 8:30AM-4:30PM I code.... and browse Gizmodo.
I guess it's different when you have an office job. From 8:30AM-4:30PM I code.... and browse Gizmodo.
There's a big difference between coding in college and coding in the real world.
Let's be honest, some portions of Spongebob aren't even targeted towards kids. I swear, some of the jokes in there are for adults or baked teenagers.
Wait... 2 guys and 1 girl? Wrong kind of 3some, buddy.
Ugh. Played a Nintendo 3DS for a few seconds in a store today. I felt like playing that for more than a minute would cause my eyes to bleed.
Ford Focus RS if you're not from the States, SVT if you are.
Multiple alarms. Set one on your phone, and another after it, or use an alarm clock and a phone. It sucks, but I can get up every morning at 7:30. It blows, and I often have little recollection of the first few minutes of the morning. Coffee helps, but nothing can replace sleeping until noon.
I'm one of those night owls who can feel refreshed on just 6 hours of sleep, as long as those 6 hours were between 6am and noon.
I saw this story in my RSS feed, and thought to myself "I bet Jason will be behind this post". No fear here. When other writers shy away from the shit (heh) stories, Jason jumps in.
Full cutoff lights actually direct more light at the ground, allowing it to be brighter, with lower wattage bulbs. This means a dark sky, lower electricity costs, and an illuminated walk/road way.
Very cool. Still, with full cutoff lights, the skyline should always look at least a bit more like the bottom photo.
For one night, San Diego citizens learned what stars look like.
I know some friend groups are public, and others are not. I've used them, but I'm cautious about it. The Google+ implementation is still better than Facebook's hard to find/use implementation.
Vote: Quicktime X
The biggest issue I've had with Facebook's lists, is that your friends could see what lists they were in. Fine for girls who want their BFF to display on their Facebook profile, but not fine for the people who don't want others to know they're not getting all my status updates and photos. Somehow, I don't think my…
I retract this statement. After using the app for just one post, I can honestly say: this app sucks.
If you'll notice, Apple's the defendant on a number of those court feuds. It's, unfortunately, just a part of business these days.
What is the world coming to? Now you can't even copy someone else's ideas? How am I supposed to "invent" anything?
Finally. I've been using BlogPress for the occasional post on the go. It's not all that great.
Seconded. I've tried others, and nothing introduced enough features to beat the fact that Quicktime is built in and free.