
Make a guest account. The thief will use it, and you can get them pretty quickly.

Remember, it's not enough to install Prey, the thief needs to use the stolen laptop. Make sure to create a guest account with no access to your files, but plenty of things to do, such as access the internet and games. This will keep them distracted long enough to get the data you need to nab them.

Fact: Those who fight malware can also be found fighting crime at night. /notafact

Unfortunately, thanks to the embargo, we can't get this treatment here in the US, right?

And how does that make you feel?

Actually, our brothers are quite successful. Maybe that's why they can find the time to visit. Some even bring their families.

To be honest, the biggest reason I'll be getting another Focus next year is because of just how great of a car this one was. I think my Focus could easily make it to 200k miles (137k now).

Yeah, after being ready to argue, I read consumer reports gave it a 51/100 in reliability. I guess I really did get lucky with mine. I got it for 4k in 2005, it's given me no problems, and I've had a lot of fun in it.

Added to the hate list: i[Anything that's not an Apple product].

It's not just about parties, in fact, little is. I wouldn't see my independent friends if they didn't live in the area of my school or visit with brothers from other areas.

I have friends in the fraternity who are 30. When they visit, the actives are pretty happy to see them.

Grow outdoors, use approved fertilizers, easier transportation routes. The list goes on.

So, you didn't go greek, and you can't remember a lot of your friends who did.

Find a fraternity that you fit in at, and join it.

My Focus has been incredibly reliable, I'm going to have to disagree. And I have the usually unreliable first year Focus.

Seeing as the last poll showed that most Gizmodo readers are actually Mac users (by a close margin) and Macs have continued to grow in popularity while the PC market has been stale, I'd say that it's safe to assume most readers would agree with that statement.

I'd rather see electric cars with the performance and range of an ICE, and a 3 minute or less refueling time.

120 volt outlets won't charge it very quickly. And, on a road trip, even one where you'll be going through populated areas, how many people will let you run up their electric bill for a few hours?

I'd have to drive over 100 miles just to find a charging station...

I love my '00 Focus, so I'm going to throw my approval in here too.