
So, the AOTD intern will be chosen based on their AOTD compilation, from the people who do the current AOTD.

And now I know why hot dogs upset my stomach.

I'm really looking forward to the Focus ST. Keep an eye on Ford's Facebook page and Twitter, as they'll be releasing videos of the ST in testing leading up to the reveal next week.

You've got to read the iTune TOS. It's right there "Apple has the right to search my property disguised as the local police". Paragraph 5694, sentence 138.

You can get little stick on mirrors. They're not as nice as built in ones, but they'll do the trick.

Windshield wipers. Try driving in the rain without them.

Canceled DVDs, rethinking Netflix altogether.

Yeah, this is true. And AT&T could improve their network in different ways. And I'm sure you'll have to jump through hoops to get T-Mobile pricing on the AT&T network.

AT&T is doing this to merge the two networks. T-Mobile's will require some changes, but essentially, AT&T is looking to have the largest network of customers with the best coverage.

Well, you'd be getting access to better coverage, faster data, and much faster 4G. And, if AT&T keeps T-Mobile's pricing somehow, you could be looking at a very good deal here.

That's something I don't get. There are plenty of options for cell phone carriers, yet the only two satellite radio companies were allowed to merge?

They talked before about merging the two networks. If they keep the low cost plan, how would they continue to offer the low cost service of T-Mobile?

$200? Man, you guys got ripped off last year.

"Guys, guys, check out what it says about Santorum on this!"

So, just an ordinary crash, nothing unusual?

Replace the high beams with Wicked lasers....

You sir, sound like an irritated butthole.

And this is why you could never work with Apple.

So, ignore the fact that this looks like another company's product, and was clearly copied from it, and just go "wow, what a great looking laptop, how'd they design that??".

Go above and beyond the curriculum, they're not preparing you well enough.