
Hopefully other states follow suit. I know 85 is perfectly safe on many highways I've been on, and would cut commute times and possibly traffic down by quite a bit.

Sprint has been attacking T-Mobile with their latest (highly annoying) ads (through Virgin Mobile, which Sprint owns).

But what will Virgin Mobile do about their anti-T-Mobile ads now?

Actually, I'm still in shock that they have working crosswalk buttons. Ours just emit a high pitched laughing noise heard only by dogs.

It seems to me that it's a serious problem, but he went about the wrong way to protest it. And, once you're stuck in a traffic jam, it can be hard to turn around and take a different route, often impossible.

It's a shame it's for the Xbox 360 only.

1) "Residents have also always protested against plans to build a larger bypass road that would avoid Chideock's main street" Right from the main article. Also, your link refuting that is a 404.

Just thought of another one.

So why is he instead proposing taxes, which may cause drivers to go far out of their way, instead of backing the bypass?

Actually, they've tried to build a bypass so large trucks and traffic wouldn't have to go through the town, but the townspeople keep voting it down. They've created this problem for themselves.

Up until this past year, I thought I'd never get another Focus. And the one in the picture is the best looking of the second generation Focus, the coupe model.

More dense traffic leads to people needing to slam on the breaks. It also often forces people to block intersections, or the usual "fender bender" from following too closely.

The idiot with the crosswalk button is a real prat. To protest traffic, he jammed up a bunch of other people and created unsafe conditions for drivers. He should be fined, not commended.

Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 compressed 6.

Jersey drivers. What did you expect?

Exactly what I was thinking. I use Launchpad, an Applications Stack, or Spotlight. That's all I need.

True, but is a disheartening photo really necessary here? Here's what people need to know: Steve Jobs doesn't look well. He looks malnourished, aged even. I looked up the photo, and it's depressing. He doesn't look well. Readers don't need to see the photo to know that he's seen better days.

Ok then.

Well done, Gizmodo (and Joe). It's good to see some responsible journalism.

He got bigger! Must be from feeding of the flesh of sleeping campers.