
Even after putting in a new exhaust, putting in drop in K&N air filter, and getting a tune that utilizes 91 octane, I'm still getting 30mpg highway.

Seeing as the last time I went camping I got a larger spider in my sleeping bag which chewed on my leg all night, something off the ground is highly desirable.

Not the right way to go about changing legislation. What he should have done was wait until we're closer to an election, and contribute millions of dollars to a candidate who would then vote how the contributor wants him to. Duh.

That's what she said.

I agree, the Elantra looks hideous. The Cruze looks plain, but certainly better than the Civic and Elantra.


That's like saying building a skyscraper isn't innovative because someone had already invented the lean-to shelter.

I often say this, and am declared a fanboy. When Google get away from "slide to unlock", they developed the 9 point gesture, which is pretty cool. I'm often jealous.

Casa Bonita?

So you only comment on pages you like?

If I had said "present company excluded", would you have taken less offense to me saying ponies were not fun?

Hooning is fun.

I died a little just hearing that this was created.

You New Yorkers are drama queens! I'm in PA. Know what I did after the quake? Got back to work. I didn't even leave my office chair.

The only people who hate on a Focus, have obviously never hooned in one.

Quite a few of those cars were both hoonable and practical.

If saying nothing can mean whatever you want it to mean later, how can there not be some wiggle room for ambiguity to slip in?

If the victim doesn't report a rape, how exactly will justice be served?

I've never hear of someone blaming a victim of rape, even for people they don't like. That's just preposterous. The "she was asking for it" idea is so antiquated, there's not a person under 60 who would even think that for a moment. When a rape happens at a school, people talk, a lot. Never have I heard "she was

Handles great, decent gas milage, relatively easy to upgrade for some more power, decent amount of space in the hatchback models, and reliable. I know a lot of '00 Focuses have had issues but so far I haven't had anything really serious (no whammy).