
Seemed to me that at the end of the fight all of Ramsay's men were dead and he was surrounded, yet he still had time to take out a key and spend like ten seconds unlocking a single cage, presumably so the Ironborn could be chased off by dogs or something.

What's lacking is what the white dots where and why they represented the loss of the vehicle?

Sorry, but to be Tarantino, the first half hour would have to be Luke and Wedge sitting at a table on Tattooine talking about what it's like to bang Twi'lek chicks.

Friday afternoon announcement! The fix is in.

And now our future robot overlords have skin. :/

and a woman whose "husband had not spoken to her for 15 years, communicating with her only by Post-it notes."

All news organizations should only refer to him as "FCC chairman and former big telecom lobbyist Tom Wheeler"

<i>If anyone can come up with a way that a non-networked eReader could compromise a submarine, please let me know.</i>

God this is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO BAD.

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I'm absolutely stunned that nobody posted this gem from Chronicles of Riddick.

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badly written, and unbelievably poorly acted.... both actors have done much much better, but I did not believe it for a second :( and I love Star Wars, but this scene made me cringe

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X-Men: "Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"

It's USGS. Perfectly in character.

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Their 2012 video was much better. Had comms, third-person shots, something of a narrative and less shaky-cam.

F-18s are Navy as well. Those are F-15s

They're not flying Hornets. Those are F-15 Eagles.

Is it just me or do Ink's powers patently make no sense? I mean, I know the X-Books perennially set the bar for scientific plausibility pretty low, but his design in particular has always struck me as ardently stupid.

Oh and one more thing, when we asked her if there was a Lost-like quality to this series, she immediately replied "Yes!"

I thought the first image was an actual picture of the staircase from the top down, instead of looking up.