
What kind of moron do you have to be to call a battery, a generator? Are you really that fucking stupid?

What kind of moron do you have to be to call a battery, a generator? Are you really that fucking stupid?

Yeah. That is about 100% accurate.

I can’t figure out why anybody would or should care about the 360 trailer thing. I’m just seeing poorly done swirly effects on either side of a screen? What is this for and why would I want to distract myself from the actual video for it?

This 360 trailer thing is terrible.  Maybe it’s just that I’m on a phone during a break at work but this is just the wrong format to release this in.

More time travel bullshit - check

Because none of that gives us a new show (or at least not one that would actually be produced).

New York Post

My disagreements:
Westworld - I’m in a minority but I was very entertained. That’s all. Can’t fault people for their criticisms but I liked it.
Space Force - The 2nd episode and the final 2 episodes showed how hilarious it can be. If The Office and Parks and Rec are anything to go by, we’ll see more of that hilarity in

Let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way in case any fanbois show up.

That reason is SEO. The headline presented to Gizmodo readers doesn’t have the word “Apple” in it, but since we’re already here, we might read it for the titties. The one Google sees has Apple in it, so anyone who happens to be Googling “Apple” could find the article.

What was even the point of the last person lol

Giz: YouTube adding more ads is bad

Pft.  John de Lancie is Q.

Oracle did not create Java. Sun Microsystems did and offered it for free to the world. Oracle bought Sun and tried to suffocate Java.

I’ll never understand these Twitch lemmings who are so willing to do all this shit because their favorite streamer - who couldn’t give less of as shit about them - gets into a spat with other streamers.

You could also not act like a diaper-shitting big baby and pick it up whenever down the road, like an adult with a life and a sense of priorities. In the meantime you could always read a book. You know, a book.

They do have drone-like devices that could carry a person. They have, in fact, been used for prison escape attempts before. These are called helicopters and the BOP hasn’t seen the need to guard against them since their invention in the 30s. 

As long as it requires internet for the single player portions it’ll be an instant pass, if nothing else out of principle.

As long as it requires internet for the single player portions it’ll be an instant pass, if nothing else out of

Doesn’t even have to be “massive”. There’s something like 5 mods that oversee a third of all of the most popular subreddits. It’s been a problem for years and AFAIK they aren’t really doing anything about it.