
This picture is more fun:

It absolutely baffles me that the right thing to do is being threatened as a last-resort, nuclear option.

"...the technology down there still relies on 5.25-inch floppy disks from the 70s."

so you couldn't have put in the extra effort to tell WHY its fundamental to cancer reaearch? Instead continue on with this stupid "sploid" bs and make me do the leg work, not the reason I come to this website

I think you forgot the rest of the article, as well as the link back to the original source.

That being boston, no actual Pizza was harmed in the making of this video.

A little easier on the wallet.

Why don't you just list them for us next time so we can decide at a glance whether or not to devote three minutes of our lives to finding out more? If the 3687 people who've read this post as I write this each watched this stupid video, you've already wiped out 7.5 days of human productivity.

As a personal observation, I feel like black people's Vines are more funny the majority of the time when watching compilations of them on YouTube.

Anyone getting a Walter Bishop vibe out of this?

Wouldn't be an internet list without Firefly/Serenity. The opening scene is meant to be a four minute tour of the ship. I can't recall if there was a jump cut that cheats partway through.

Now playing

children of men has that awesome scene towards the end where the protagonist is running through the steets, runs though the bus into the building to find the baby.

This movie is so underrated. The "car chase" later on in the movie is amazing too.

I'd like to thank the author for not using a goatse image for a title which includes the words Internet, Gaping, Hole and Scary.

Portlandia did this better.

Just like the old saying goes: "'I' before 'E' except after 'C' and don't you dare put a motherfucking 'K' after that shit either or I'll murder the fuck outta you."

Rom and Nog of course! Barely one note characters at first but then worked themselves up to be something great.

Seriously, how had no one yet posted this?

Damar. From Gul Dukat's unnamed lackey to hero of his people—and believable all the way through.