
Because then they wouldn’t be able to make the entire audience uncomfortable with her creepy eyes.

You can’t end lobbying; by doing so, you’d be saying that constituents aren’t allowed to speak to their representatives, which basically just kills the representative republic form of government.

I don’t suppose there are any that won’t get me instantly banned from online games if I forget to turn them off?

What does Oracle do, exactly? I mean, I know they created Java and I know they like to sue people for stuff, but is that their entire business model these days?

All of this heavily implies that Trump’s not feeling well enough to go about his day-to-day business, because if that were the case, then why the need for such a clearly orchestrated photo op?

Trying to add a remote-working boss to a group that presumably doesn’t work remote (typically) and all know each other was never going to work.

My initial reaction is A. It’s a con. I’d bet cash money that he isn’t infected. Claiming he has COVID will allow him to avoid any further debates and, he hopes, will gain him some sympathy votes and show him as a big, strong leader man when he “recovers”.

Unless it’s a campaign stunt designed to dominate the news cycle for a couple weeks while he tweets endlessly about how he’s totally fine and COVID is no big deal and he’s the healthiest president in history and such. I really wouldn’t put it past them.

Not gonna lie, there’s a little part of me that thinks this is a campaign stunt and after a week or two of basking in all the attention and absolutely dominating the news cycle, he’ll start talking about how he’s totally fine and he was right all along that COVID is no big deal and how he’s the healthiest person in

You left out the part where Shandril and whatshisface keep calling each other “My Lord” and “My Lady” after they’re married, like they’ve each forgotten the others’ name but are afraid to admit it.

For what it’s worth, you didn’t delete your facebook account—you permanently restricted your access to it. Facebook accounts and the data they contain are never deleted, they’re just made inaccessible.

Sounds kinda nice...for areas without any kind of severe weather to ruin your multi-million dollar investment. Also be a bitch to keep them clean, which you couldn’t skimp on, since dirty panels would cost you big on both power and crops.

It’s Iowa, though. Congress is gonna trip over itself to bail them out, even though it’s long past primary season.

There’s good money in being the mod of a default sub—and great money in being the mod of multiple.

More convenient pickup locations would be nice. Would be nice to buy something and not have to wait a full day for that ‘last-mile’ bit if you tend to be at the end of the line.

Our tax dollars at work:

No, that’s just the author getting clickbaity with the headline. The actual statement from the NAACP includes everyone, though it does emphasize that minorities are far more likely to lack internet access.

I’m sure it had nothing to do with the priest(s) on the MPAA rating board.

It’s just dumb pride at this point. People have to die so he can avoid admitting he was wrong.