
Kotaku reached out to the U.S. Army esports team for information on why they chose to run these faux-giveaways in the first place, but they did not reply.

I have yet to hear anyone complain about their constitutional right to not wear a shirt being violated

This is infomercial. 

It’s not the same without suave host Robert Stack

It’s not clear if any of the president’s other staff joined the family in hiding from the American public.

Facebook randos are only marginally better than Craigslist randos, and only because you can read up on them in advance.

Anyone need a copywriter?

52 percent of self-employed individuals said they have shut down what Facebook calls their “personal businesses.”

Is there something more to Musk’s motives other than to prove he is above the law and devoid of basic common sense?

Then means the goons must have taken the Pearls out of Maeve’s trio and then brought the Pearls to the mainland to make them new bodies. Why do this if they could just take the entire Host? Wouldn’t that save a ton of time? Does this mean anything, or is it just a plothole?

Originally, that’s exactly what it was intended as. Nowadays it’s still mostly that, but it’s also reached a Black Friday-esque level where some manufacturers will build products with cheaper components as a one-off for Prime Day sales.

It’s like a quasi-Streisand-effect. By exposing him as a fake, the author has given him far more exposure than he would have gotten otherwise.

How about shows that pulled off a good ending, despite being rushed? I’d nominate Stargate Universe. Not only did they create a satisfying ending, but they did it in such a way that the show could easily (and logically) be picked up again.

From what I read, the show ended abruptly because she wanted out.

How did Enterprise end? I liked the first few seasons, then they had that weirdness with time travel and some war or something...then when I thought I had just watched the series finale, all the sudden another episode pops up with aliens in Nazi uniforms? I turned it off and never went back.

Caprica was ruined by a bad premiere. They took an audience from BSG that was used to adult actors dealing with big problems and gave them teenage angst and high school drama. By the time the show’s grownups got rolling, it was too late.

I’ve just stopped listening to the audiotapes. It’s a little too much of the real world than I want out of an escape right now.

Yeah, free-falling into oblivion.

I could have sworn when host-Connells first went in to play, he and Dolores were chatting and he said a line in Akecheta’s voice/accent. 

Now playing

Well, for one thing, it’s not in sync with evolution: