
Shutdown or not, this is very common with government websites. DoD sites in particular are terrible.

What about that one motherZucker? He still running?

Hey, billionaire C-list celebrities: Fuck off.

Yeah, it’s overblown. Alone, it’s pretty low-impact, but with the pictures/video and now the multi-day media shitshow about it... Unpublicized, it would have been ignored, but now the hat signees will get chewed out for it, though I doubt there’ll be any official repercussions. 

Well, a lot of places—especially around DC. Just look at the AUSA Annual Meeting, for example. 30,000+ defense contractors, military and congressional staff, including CEOs, top brass, members of Congress, Cabinet secretaries, foreign military/embassy staff... There’s a reason why a half-dozen “free wi-fi” honeypots

It’s worth reminding people that the continued U.S. (/NATO) presence in Afghanistan has very little to do with the Taliban, terrorists, or nation-buidling and very much to do with maintaining troops and, more importantly,  air bases in close proximity to Iran, Pakistan and Western China.

he stopped participating in them once the issue became divisive

Damn, chess is hardcore.

I’d be surprised if most of them aren’t just sitting around doing nothing.

I’m not voting for another centrist and I’m sure as shit not voting for a billionaire.

I smell...nothing. Sessions will shut this down, or, if by some miracle this actually hits a courtroom, Trump will pardon them.

It’s because it’s a cluster of tall buildings, so even though it’s just a neighborhood, people treat it like a city. They do the same thing with Crystal City and Ballston.

He’s got the charm to call aggressively call bullshit without coming across like an asshole, and the likeability that makes it hard to call him an elitist.

“Bomb threat” sounds like some dick making a phone call. This should be referred to as an attempted bombing since it involved an actual bomb.

the anti-semitic dog whistle “globalists”

So I don’t know much about soccer, but don’t both teams play on the same field, at the same time?

Why don’t developers just wait until a game is finished to announce a launch date?

Probably more like a Children of Men-style UK.

It’s a printout of a PowerPoint slide. PowerPoint is basically how the government (and especially the military) continues to function from day to day.

PC or gtfo.