
Last game I went to my ears were ringing for nearly a week—and definitely not because of crowd noise. Combine that with a shitty view, a guy behind me screaming hatred at both teams for the entire fucking game, $10 beer and having to schlep out to the DC equivalent of cow country...yeah, fuck it. I’m going to the

To everyone reading this article: You’re not going to make a living streaming and playing video games. Go to school and get a job.

A 30-year-old Bronx high school teacher admitted to performing oral sex on her 14-year-old student.

Why is the B/D/S movement held in such disrepute by the NYT and Democrats?

It doesn’t matter. He could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and Senate Republicans would still confirm him.

Clickbait. Cropping a photo isn’t remotely the same as “doctoring” it.

If people are willing to be exploited, that’s on them. No company is going to feel bad about profiting off of free or near-free labor.

I didn’t read the bill, but aren’t most/all of these low-wage Amazon workers subcontractors from staffing agencies? In other words, they’re not employees.

Yet revisionist actors in Hollywood then preach to us that it was a human achievement, and American had nothing to do with it?

My company runs an exhibition every year over the course of three days with about 35,000 attendees, including numerous HVTs (some with their own security details, some without). The event is held in a facility with an excess of 700,000 sq ft of exhibit space. Access is largely unrestricted (you need a badge, but it’s

Google et. al. are spending all this money to target me with ads and induce me to spend money yet here I am running an adblocker and not buying shit...step up your game, Google.

Just considering the fact that Trump’s approval rating is in early 40-s, it is reasonable to expect to have at least one, if not more, Trump or GOP voters in the jury pool.

You keep saying transphobia, but this isn’t fear or persecution of trans people—it’s simply a case of them not keeping their records up-to-date. No different than someone moving and not registering with their new address.

Probably not the best hill to die on, defending actual gang members.

Uh, sorry folks, but believing it can be stopped now is like trying to keep the Titanic afloat after it hit the iceberg. 

Should have thought of that before (many of them) voted Republican.

Its follow-up, Beyond, made even less, to the point that Paramount supposedly even lost money on the film.)

Even if he wins in the end, that award is going to shift a few decimal places on appeal.