
I miss AJE/AJA. Was nice to get some world news that didn’t have to always be US-centric.

No kidding. His being there puts this boondoggle on the radar of a lot of people who otherwise would never have known about it.

I actually don’t have a animosity towards religious people like most people here do but it has to be admitted that a certain type among them have a crazy answer for everything.

Don’t forget his cabinet—quite a few 1%ers in there as well.

Political order of priority (for both parties):

Pfft, they all think they’re so smart...

Once it’s born, they just DGAF.

Well, when your religious tradition is baked into the bureaucratic foundation of a non-theocratic government, you’re either going to have to make some compromises or you’re going to have to cut any ties between your religious traditions and the law.

I think a big part of that is that we over-value the lives of the police. Yeah, I know that’s a shitty thing to say, but American society constantly drills it into the heads of cops that their lives are sacred which, combined with the actions of unions and the justice system to shield police from any consequences for

My personal theory is that the active recruiting of military veterans into law enforcement is driving police shootings.

Wait, so they’re pro-anchor baby now?

However, the Banks later learned that in reality, the HTPCs were only worth $8 per unit.

This show needs a mercy killing.

If Koch Industries et. al. ever trigger that Constitutional Convention they’re trying to make happen so they can rewrite the Constitution, then yeah, civil war-ho!

The FEC deadlocked and took no action

The “clever trick” bit in the title had me expecting some sort of clever trick...not standard procedure.

Obligatory “That’s not entrapment” comment.

I’d disappear too. The false-flag conspiracy nuts are stalking the shit out of him.

Poor people already have to jump through huge hoops [...] to receive benefits