
I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.

As someone who frequents the mall, there are actually very, very few (visible) police from any agency. There are some cameras, but not a ton—most of the mall is just grass and trees, of course.

Well-done steak + bottle of ketchup should tell you all you need to know about Trump.

Nothing will.

A republican was shot, so it’s terrorism...but the shooter was white, so it can’t be terrorism...I guess we’re just gonna go with ‘very troubled individual’?

Because the top Democrat is subservient to the top Republican.

When did we get to the point that “The Economy” is the only thing that matters in life and that all decisions must revolve around it? It’s always been an important consideration, sure, but now it just seems all-consuming.

Eight ships have been requested this year: an aircraft carrier, two submarines, two destroyers, one littoral combat ship (LCS) and two auxiliaries.

My high school had a cop assigned to the school full time.

Have an important work voicemail you’ve been waiting on? You’ll have to listen to Trump explain that he needs donations to fight the deep state first.

I have a moral objection to Donald Trump. Where do I opt out?

For $75 million, Mike Bloomberg could have restored eyesight for 1.5 million people with curable blindness or prevented 25,000 human deaths from malaria.

Why can’t we all just...ignore each other?

Someone who isn’t working is someone who isn’t generating profit for some CEO or shareholders somewhere. Better get those fuckers back on the line.

Just out of curiosity, how many billionaires are in the cabinet or senior leadership positions? How many multi-millionaires? I assume there are no poors, of course—poor, in this case, meaning non-multi-millionaires.

see who in Washington is making a profit off this deal

Gonna be another one of those days...

...you’re reading too much in to this.

My office just made all employees exempt, eliminating overtime pay. We get steady cost-of-living increases, but they don’t keep pace with the cost of living in the area. There are no merit raises or performance reviews.