
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a bigger collection of dipshits on broadcast television.

Just out of curiosity, if he wanted to, would Trump be allowed to carry a gun?

So, yes, it’s murder insurance. You pay them a monthly fee and they support you when you kill someone under a particular set of circumstances.

So this is murder insurance?

Global manifest destiny is accomplished with culture, not soldiers and nation-building. Meaningful change is cultural and cultural change is generational. Shit takes time.

Also looks like it’ll be more expensive, though I suppose that doesn’t matter, since the employees pay for it.

Today’s children: “Can’t they just track her cellphone?”

I don’t like people; nor do I think I could pretend to like people.

when you spend millions of dollars to do thousands of dollars worth of damage, you’re not actually winning.

Could probably scrape by for two years in my current area—twice that if I moved somewhere cheaper—without digging into retirement savings. Could stretch that out further with freelance work and the like.

they are falling behind in a lot of their basic job functions

The software package is free for the first year and super expensive after that. Like cable.

I’m done playing gear treadmills.

Wow, I completely forgot about the Daily Show...

What’s a university for again?

Makes me glad I work in a creative field, though the internet and the availability of DIY, template-based design websites has definitely taken a toll.

Cancel TWD and bring back (the more relevant than ever) Rubicon.

Was surprised to find that Trader Joe’s adds soy protein to their grilled chicken strips—I assume for the same reasons (protein = omg yay moar)

Did they ever fix the problem of the rails only being good for a couple shots before having to be replaced?