
Would you say it's like Sucker Punch in that the plot is impossible to follow, but the action scenes are totally awesome?

Holy shit, how did I miss that?

Replace "Twitter" with "bowel" and it all starts to make sense.

I still don't understand what GamerGate is.

What I see when I look at the No More logo:

Established weeks after the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, this school for spies has been shielded by secrecy

Not gonna lie—I'm actively looking at moving to a couple cities solely for access to Google Fiber.

Yes, that means PlayStation and Xbox, mobile and more!

I can kinda understand the appeal of these games—I used to play a lot of Travian—but that kind of extreme timer-based gameplay and monetization is downright horrific.

It's not cost-effective to hunt down individual users., unless they want to go all RIAA just to get some (usually bad) press.

Why is it that the police can fairly easily track down people threatening them in YouTube comments, but seem unable or unwilling to do so for other people being targeted?

From what I read "a handful" of people walked out, which generally means five or less. Maybe they left because it sucked—maybe they had something else to do. *shrug*

Calling it a "day job" makes it sound like she's in some boring or completely unrelated field (I have no idea what her actual day job is). Some writers have "day jobs" that aren't writing novels, but still making use of the same skills and creativity. A good example would be R.A. Salvatore, who was still pumping out

That guy seems creepy as fuck.

Just think of how many column inches writers have gotten out of his reluctance to talk vs what they would have gotten from the mindless platitudes other players spew forth.

urethral syringe

I was watching a Three Musketeers movie once—forget exactly which one—and all I can remember about it is how there's a sword fight in this barn with like 50 ladders in it and they'd climb up ladders on opposite sides of the room, push them away form the wall and smash their swords together as they fell past one

Personally, I believe that things like bank accounts and credit cards should require biometrics to authenticate—instead of meaningless signatures or three-digit security codes or whatever Verified By Visa is/was. I also think it should be tied in to a national ID—a single card that serves as ID, driver's licence, ATM

Today I learned that the purpose of swordfighting is not to hit your opponent, but to hit their sword as often as possible.

RIP Massively