
Destiny's lack of "content," for lack of a better word, is the source from which the game's other problems flow. The maddening weekly currency caps, the ceaseless repetition, the bizarre upgrade requirements, the stingy loot system: All are designed to force people to sink dozens of hours into a game they'd otherwise

I grew up in Fairfax County and went to West Springfield High School. One day while we were sitting in class, the principal got on the PA and sheepishly announced that our resource officer (school cop), had been arrested for robbing banks.

Nope. Defiance lives. Season 3 should start in June, if the other seasons are any indication.

You likely repressed the memory.


Think I saw an 80-inch 4k on Amazon the other day. It was roughly $25,000.

I like how bloggers post pictures of 4k/8k screens so I can look at compressed jpegs of them at 72dpi on my 1080p monitor.

And if they're correct, this new MacBook looks awesome.

I've been overweight my whole life—topping out at 300 two years ago—and never really tried to lose any weight until recently (July). Honestly, I'm kinda surprised how easy it has been. I dropped diet soda for green tea (unsweetened, obviously), and generally just ate less of the same stuff I had been eating, while

Good, because that thing was fucking horrible.

Two words: Anal leakage.

Let's not talk about Gotham. Let's talk about a better show.

the ad agency 303lowe created this hilarious ad for Australian insurance company Budget Direct

Apparently nobody in SoCal other than the guy who shot the video* saw the huge fireball in the sky.

Yes, useful information that could be displayed just fine on the dashboard or in the app.

Shit, I forgot to charge my car keys.

Of course he's got an American accent.

Thus continuing the trend of selling TVs that cost more than a new car.

I got a Zoom last year and ditched my rented Comcast modem. Stunningly, I had zero problems with Comcast during the switch, my account was credited appropriately and the modem rental fee never reappeared on my bill.