
It's not bad, but it's not MMO Skyrim.

ESO will go B2P, not F2P, for the simple reason that the console launch will generate a ton of box sale revenue. They're not going to pass that up, especially when console players are already used to paying $60 for a game.

The MMO was met with tepid reviews when it first came out, and it's been plagued with systemic bugs and bots.

On Facebook, Alcorn's mother has written, "My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck."

People should really stop watching that show.

I always assumed that we knew the answer and that what you posted is exactly what happened.

If she wasn't hot, she wouldn't be as successful as she is.

Now playing

This youtube video explains it pretty well—in all the ways the movie itself failed to. In the end, it was just visual porn with a plot stuck too far up its own ass. I'm gonna go watch it again.

Meanwhile, the planning committee is doing its best to sell a plan that would engender development in less fortunate areas of the city, including building the Olympic Village on the current site of a homeless shelter and methadone clinic

In the near future, all news will be based on twitter keyword searches.

A 10-gigabit connect would open up all kinds of new possibilities in terms of uploading video and even setting up servers in homes, though.

Got to admit, it's one hell of a viral marketing strategy.

The worst thing about this whole mess is that the movie itself sucks ass.

My roommate used to do it in college when she was low on cash. Just imply that you might put out and you can save a shitload on groceries. With the internet and a relatively densely populated area, you never have to pay for food or entertainment.

How do that train's lights still work?

It's like women who go on dates for the free food and booze.

This is not the first tim Comcast has played the "What, ME bribe?!" card. Earlier this year, the company insisted that it donated $110 million to an industry dinner where FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn was presented with an award just 'cause, and definitely NOT because it was trying to sway votes (it later withdrew

I'm constantly amazed how many Kindle e-books from major authors look like they were scanned—with shitty OCR—page by page from a poorly-printed paperback.

In actuality, he's saying "get wrecked," but with an accent that made it sound like something different.

They just crammed in far too any plot lines for a miniseries to handle. and rushed through them all—even the major ones. It was just a hot mess.