
Not sure how much he's doing for the show (and if it will reach BSG levels), but I've only noticed three or four tracks in the entire game.

Same time/world. TV show is based in St. Louis, game is based in San Francisco (or at least what they call San Francisco, it's really just a bunch of grey hills with occasional pieces of buildings sticking out. Pretty pathetic, really)

As long as you don't expect it to bean MMO, it's not bad—though it does fall off a cliff after 20 hours or so.

I expect that within the next couple days he'll claim his twitter was hacked.

Because they needed the $60 base price to make money back—they know this game isn't going anywhere.

This little review of yours is...pretty accurate.

" For example, if you went to PetSilly and bought dog bones, and then PetSilly sold your data to 17 companies that were using it for direct marketing, you could ask PetSilly for an accounting of disclosures. PetSilly would have to provide you with the names of those 17 companies as well as what categories of

Weapon fails without an emergency Oreo release for when you've got the munchies.

You lose the bag of nozzles that come with it or something?

Sucks for you then, you'll be missing out on one hell of a great game.

FFXIV:ARR is fucking amazing. I'm not saying it's gonna save SE, but it'll definitely go in the win column.

Got one of those last year. Worth every penny.

Yeah...If some panhandler pulls out a smartphone and asks me to scan my credit card, my ass is gonna keep on walking.

Doesn't look 'shopped to me, and I 'shop shit for a living.

Catch what?

That's awesome! First thing I'm gonna do when I get home is fire up my Roku and...wait, nevermind.

Doesn't work with Chrome.

Damn you, Worst Korea.


....that's it?